Gita Gutawa ~ Selamat Datang Cinta
"denganmu sepiku kan berganti,
berganti keindahan
yang belum pernah kurasa
kamu gelora di jiwaku
taklukan keraguan
dan ketakutan hatiku
selamat datang cinta di hatiku
ku sebut hadirmu
berikan aku cinta rahasia kehidupan
tanpa engkau cinta aku butakau cahaya hati
cinta tak pernah salah dalam memilih"
Monday, December 14, 2009
Love Story ~ Cinta tak salah...
Snap III
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I hate...
I'm not really jealous, don't like lookin' like a clown.
I think of you ev'ry night and day.
You took my heart, then you took my pride away.
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
that's why I hate myself for loving you...
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Love Story ~ Bila hanya Hati Bersuara
Check point: While there is complication, I am still happy.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Love Story ~ Crazy Act # 2
:“dah naik train? Ni dah kat mana?”
:“KL sentral, kamu di mana nih?”
:“kat jalan sg besi, Jam.. kenapa eh?”
: “entah… “ and etc etc etc
Call ended, and I am back sleeping, enjoying the ride. Another call came in…
:“still jam la, boring.. dah kat mana ni?”
:“baru.. err… mana ni?... kajang.”
:“pukul berapa sampai?”
:“err.. setengah jam lagi kot”
:“ok… hati2….”
With that I am back to napping again… until finally reached the destination. Validate the ticket, walk towards my car as usual without bothering of what’s happening around, I didn’t even notice a commotion at the far end of the parking lot until someone pointing it out later. Unlock the door, get into the car, started my engine, and, as I about to shut the door, there’s a knock on my window… and there he was… the sweet face that keep bugging my mind night and day. He was there all the while he called earlier. He waited for me for an hour. And I didn’t even notice his car? Isk… After few minutes “what are you doing? What?” and speechless for a second, then only he suggested to go for a drink, and so we went off for a drink before I finally back home.
Once again my friend, this might also happened to you too many times, this is another FIRST for me. I appreciated the gesture far off until me totally overrating it. Some people told me that what he had done is scary, I’d say; I love him more for that…. And again I never stopped smiling…Crazy I know. But I love it! I love him (wow, did I just say Love 3 times?)
Love Story ~ Crazy Act # 1
And on one fine night, DJ happened to decide to go to bed earlier, the guy call as usual and weird of the idea me sleeping early. Since he’s still driving outside, she decided to wait a little bit longer before she finally closes her eyes. While tidying up a bit stretches up the bed sheet, the call came in. “… cuba kamu tengok kat Balkoni…” She just laugh while thinking “yeah right?”, and yet still walk towards the window, looking outside and to her surprise, there it was; a familiar car parked in front of the house. He really is outside, at 12 midnight. So, the driving earlier was towards here? She went out to the balcony, and the talk on the phone continued for the next fifteen minutes and as speechless as anyone can be, she managed to just laugh through the whole conversation digesting the event that just happened.
This particular event may have happened to you too many times; but this is definitely the FIRST for me. If there is a serenade followed after would be a more dramatic episode to remember eh? ;-)Tell me honestly how would you feel if you were in my place? And as for me, the smiling never stopped until the next day.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Love Story ~ D-day 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Love Story ~ Monologue

So they say Love drives you crazy, it really does and I’d never thought I will have the chance to live the moment again. Although they are still uncertainty as any love story always have been, a dramatic experience of professing one’s true emotions is something I think any play worth being staged for. And I am planning to shout all the right scripts to the other ends, while at it, I may annoys the spectators or I might just as well gets a standing ovation. One thing for sure, I think I am on a right track of the trailer…
Friday, September 25, 2009
A Hopeless Romantic after all..

Mom said Love is blind. Others said seek and you shall find. For years we search, endure and broken, funny how it only took a week to found the one. And one might add “so you’d say”, but is it really true? Love that you seek was just few meters away all along? How poetic little words sounded so comforting that you take every word of it and seal it closely to heart? Is this how finally Diana Jones is tamed? With such beautifully craved lyrical speech fed into her heart and mind so spontaneous, it seems so genuine and truthfully from the heart. So, she is loved, she is actually contented, for she played it along in a beautiful little world she longed and finally lives on. The feeling was great and she never been happier. Despite; she does hope she is not hurting other important human beings while she felt for the significant other of the heart matter.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Reminiscing Moko – October 2008
"Adegan kayak gini paling sering ada di
film-film, seorang cowok ngasih jaketnya ke sang cewek untuk dipakai. Lambang
pelindung, superrioritas, dan ke-essential-an laki-laki yang lebih tegar dari
wanita, sekaligus lambang kelmebutan wanita yang akan selalu memancarkan
aura-aura dengan keindahan tak terhingga yang harus laki-laki jaga dan lindungi.
Setiap nonton adegan seperti ini, dulu gue sering banget mencoba meraba-raba
mengartikannya. Tapi sekarang gue ngerasain sendiri... rasanya lain
That I borrowed from the words of Indy written by Donny Dhirgantoro in his book 5cm. Kangen si jadinya... ah, what a memory.
p/s: Loh, koq puasa-puasa mikirin ini?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Perempuan Berkalung Sorban... itu Aku
“Aku tidak butuh laki-laki untuk tempat bergantung, tapi aku butuh laki-laki
untuk aku cintai” kata Ontosoroh
"Kalian semua adalah calon muslimah, calon istri untuk suami kalian tercinta,
dan calon ibu untuk anak-anak yang kalian sayangi. Surga menurut janji Alloh,
ada di bawah telapak kaki kita, perempuan. Tapi jangan lupa satu hal bahwa Alloh juga memberikan manusia kebebasan. Mau jadi apapun kalian nanti, pilihlah jalan
Alloh dengan rasa bebas dan dengan hati yang ikhlas. Dengan begitu insya’Alloh
kita akan hidup dengan tenang dan tanpa rasa benci.”
While Me:
Di saat tangisan sebagai hamba yang lemah didengari Allah, aku semakin sayangkan Ramadhan, aku mau banyakkan amal... supaya nanti aku tetap berjumpa sama Lek Khudori aku, walau untuk sementara, walau aku harus tunggu hingga akhir usia. Aku tau Allah akan sentiasa menemani aku di saat aku lupa dan terlalu occupied dengan masalah dunia. Aku tidak akan mengalah dengan tarikan amarah... Insya Allah...
Ketika Cinta - CT (dengar)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Depends on who's waiting for you on the other side.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Narcissism on Display

Monday, June 22, 2009
Episode 1
“ Kadang aku cemburukan Anissa dengan Lek Kudori nya. Lek
belajar sampai ke Universiti Al-Azhar, Lek hormat Anissa sebagai seorang wanita,
Lek tolong goreng tempe bila Anissa masak sayur, Lek kemas meja bila Anissa
senduk nasi, Lek benarkan Anissa menggapai cita-cita dengan sokongan padu. Aku tau 'Too
good to be true' tapi aku tetap yakin masih wujud manusia seperti Lek dalam dunia
yang dalam penuh kebingungan indentiti ini kan? Langsung aku teringat kepada
Bang Ridzuan, namanya mirip Malaikat yang menjaga Syurga, wajahnya yang jernih
dan bersih menenangkan sesiapa yang melihatnya; umur aku 11 tahun ketika aku
bertemu dengannya. Bicaranya halus, sangat menghormati wanita tidak mengira
usia. Untuk seketika aku merasa bahagia saat itu, saat di mana ada lelaki dalam
linkungan perkumpulan manusia yang sudi berbicara sama aku, tentang apa yang
baik dan apa yang buruk, tentang betapa pandainya aku bersekolah. Aku terus
berharap untuk berjumpa Bang Ridzuan lagi suatu hari nanti. Bang Ridzuan pergi
ke Jordan, menuntut ilmu Agama di bumi para Anbia tetapi Bang Ridzuan tidak
kembali. Dia tewas kerana barah, ternyata Allah memang sayangkan orang yang
baik-baik dan lansung dia dipanggil semula ke sana mengadapNya. Aku
benar-benar merasa kehilangan…
Mungkin benar kenyataan adik bila dia kata ‘mungkin
jodohmu sudah tiada kak, sudah mati' Lansung aku segera
teringat pada Abang Ridzuan. Dialah Lek Kudori ku… dia mungkin seorang yang
dapat melindungi aku, dapat membawa aku ke jalan yang benar dan dapat
membahagiakan aku. Aku menghela nafas panjang yang agak kuat hingga kata ‘sayang
sekali’ keluar dari mulutku sendiri, sampai semua memandang ke arah aku; saat
aku melayang jauh di balik bangunan-bangunan tinggi Kuala Lumpur di meja makan
Starbucks, ketika aku menunggu seeorang yang tak kunjung tiba. Keadaan yang
sedikit aib itu mengingatkan aku, sememangnya aku tidak harus ditinggalkan
sendirian! Langsung aku marah pada teman yang sering tidak pernah tepat waktu.
Menanti memang menyeksakan!”
Saturday, June 20, 2009
“Aku belum sempurna sebagai tunggak semenjak kepala keluarga
bernama ayah pergi, walau pada firasatku, telah ku cuba sebaiknya. Sebaliknya,
aku menarik kedua adikku sama berkorban, sama berhempas pulas membantu
membahagiakan Ibu di saat mereka sudah punya kehidupan sendiri yang perlu
dipertimbangkan. Kerana dalam menjalani hidup bersama Ibu seterusnya, tiada yang
lebih penting selain membiarkannya sentiasa bahagia tanpa seorang suami. Satu
sahaja yang ku mahu sekarang ini, supaya perkahwinan boleh membebaskan mereka
dari tanggungjawab 100% terhadap Ibu. Yang satu telah menjalani kehidupan
berumahtangga, tetapi aku masih belum berhenti memohon bantuannya setiap kali
aku kesempitan. Aku malu yang tidak terhingga sampai saat ini. Apa agaknya lagi
harus kulakukan untuk mengubah takdir mereka. Seorang lagi ku harap boleh ke
jinjang pelamin secepat mungkin, supaya dia dapat pergi jauh, bahagia bersama
keluarga sendiri. Walaupun rumah Ibu pasti sunyi tanpa mereka, tapi aku pasti
satu beban di bahu mereka akan terlucut sebaik mereka tidak harus tinggal bersamadi rumah ini; tiada kata rayuan aku di saat aku buntu dalam membuat keputusan,tiada lagi kata sinisku di saat aku begitu marah kerana tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa.Dengan tiadanya mereka, aku pasti terpaksa berdikari, demi harapan ke atas senyuman
seorang Ibu setiap saat di mana hanya kami berdua tinggal di casa ini. Hanya
satu ku pinta ya Allah, semoga dengan segera aku dapat lepaskan bebanan keluarga dari
adik-adikku supaya mereka bebas hidup bahagia dengan keluarga masing-masing.
Kakak minta maaf jika tanggungjawab membataskan kebahagiaan kamu semua.”
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Snap II
p/s: The Biggest Loser gain back weight? scary, scary... we're human after all...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My mother's worry about my weight and looks are always unbearable to hear, especially when she kept reminiscing of how slim she was when she were my age. And kept babble how no one will want me if I am not working hard myself to ensure that I have a perfect body for my height and at the critical age that I am in now. And as usual, I just let it in one ear and out to another. Her concerns led to a session where I was forced to be checked by Nenek Siti of what's going on with my bloated tummy, when it was her session really, where she needed a massage after her fell recently. For the sake of indulging her distress, i gave in, Nenek Siti gave me a round of full body massage, and like a bomb exploded in front of my face, she just drop the worst remarks of the year;
".. takdo apo lah ni, ekau ni gomuk yo sebona eh..."
Wow! Just like that! In my face! Finally someone said it out loud eh? And what does this means? Time to go back to the gym! I am going back to Indonesia next month anyway, so, the need to be as equal as all those petite little women in the neighbouring country is fatal to score some ganteng Indonesian lad. So I had to work hard now; 2 weeks of healthy regime here I go...
p/s: padanla dengan muko ekau... The Biggest Loser competition anyone?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Silent Treatment

Thursday, May 07, 2009

this is just a few among have read, not yet finished, and soon I will read them...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
My Wolverine
Saturday, April 25, 2009
He may be not but I am into Shopping THAT much
Friday, April 17, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
It's that Reality Again
Saturday, March 21, 2009
From the heart (honestly)
Although I do have that good deed of accommodating everybody's happiness that sometimes take years of effort, I too, took control of destroying that felicity moment with grief in a split seconds. Yes, I am that snobbish little lady who usually play the bad guy in the movie, the manipulative b***h that will receive what she deserved all along. I paid the price now. While you waited for years, well, this is just not the time to come clean (or will it ever come?) but time to put it to rest, to lay it in the ground at the graveyard of all hearbreakers. I have love and be loved and I may never give the same and be getting a whole lot more. I won't ask for forgiveness because it will never worth to begin with, but I will wish to be forgotten, for regrets which I have a few is too hard to swallow, the memory was so well written it stuck. While I am trying to forget, I suffers, I will endure the pain of shameful decision made that may cause the heart of others, the hope and dream of another ordinary human kind. I can never be the best daughter, a reliable friend, a dependable lover and a respectable woman. I am just; me. Still, it won't stop me from saying I am sorry, because that is all I can say without reasons, without a forgiveness in return. This faith I have is gone, the fate is condone, the hate I will accept. I will just stay zombying myself to this cruel world of pure bad circumstances and ignorant torture of the heart. I do. I did love you. It's just a clumsy taken on responsibility on my part towards commitment of a lifetime. Stupidity of stubbornness and denial of the emotions. A total failure to see beyond the tender eyes.
So help me God I can live my life as who I am without expecting anything more, I will accept what ever destiny prepared for me without having to ask or wanted any explanations. I will just be.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
It's that sinking feeling again.
I said I am down with love, putting my feet down, go with the flow, don't want no more talking about it bla bla bla days earlier and yet that is all seems to sync with me amazingly. Be it to see it in movies, to read it in the book, to hear it in a song, Love is actually all around for me. One moment there is this romantic side of me started to get some ideas and jumping up and down about it, and then one good news of other feed into my brain became a heartbreaking one for me and I started to grief again. Perhaps it is true, while I act so cool with everything, I do take things seriously, other than work, the heart itself. I have been been thinking and trying too hard focusing on empty and ignoring anything that weren't even close in my book of dreams. Well, as Carrie Underwood put it:
'Cause sometimes
that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
And what you've been out there
searching for foreverIs in your hands
And then you figure out
Love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else
Oh, it sure makes everything else
Seem so small
(Do you see the Heart Reef of Great Barrier Reef in this image?, it's one super gorgeous scene isn't it?)
Others really seem small to me indeed as all I think about currently is how love connect other people beautifully and me not yet. So I am a hopeless romantic and all, I guess I am sticking to the true feeling deep inside of me that I never thought I have, perhaps I am just letting it flew all over the wrong cloud.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Maafkan bila ku Tak Sempurna III
Perhaps that registration to be part of Dr Jemilah Mahmood's team will force me to do more in life and feel good about myself.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Just Not That Much...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Aku Melayang lagi...

The book my friend, is Maryamah karpov. And again it made me making faces and feeling it deep into them pages. The ending was quite confusing for me, but I think I'll read the tetralogy again someday. As always Andrea inspired me, but not enough to push me for the MPH short story writing competition due in 31st March. I think I am inspired and yet my mind couldn't put anything good in writing worthy of being judged for the best in the nation. Weird huh? I am inspired but not much inspiration penetrates into my brain and eventually trigger my fingers to write those magical words that could amazed any literature fan for now. Why am I so stuck?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Andai Aku Sang Putri
On a different note, I was really into the show, at times I swear I saw myself, so vulnerable and so intense in confessing, concerning what heart matters, with dignity all in tact. Wish I was once loved in such historical and dramatic circumstances. Wonder if I was a princess in previous life… Gusti Putri Raden Adjeng Retno Dumilah to be exact

Sunday, February 01, 2009
February Song...
I actually promise myself to put my feet down on this matter. I guess it’s too hard, and that’s why I chose to just be at home. Staring at the same shows on TV. I guess Love indeed just another game we play.
![]() | February Song ~ Josh Groban |
Sunday, January 18, 2009
How brave are you?

Next showanship about courage and heroism is the movie call The Brave One on ASTRO, starring Jodie Foster and my man, Terence Howard! It was a nerve wrecking drama that made me question my part in society. While it scared the hell out of me to be alone in this crazy world, it made me wonder how much longer I will just be another bystander along our unpredictable streets and corners? Is it ok to take matters with our own bare hand when, honestly, how many cases were seeing justice in this world? Not many I can say. There are lots of kinds of people; we can never know who to trust significantly. Now, this just made me even more skeptical of strangers. How do we make more friends with this cynicism in mind? How to lean on somebody when those so-called friends I so little have is not dependable twenty four seven? It’s hell of a ride out there, all those moments I went home very late from work, help somebody out in odd hours, I know I need to depends on the almighty Allah for savior when I often let down by fellow human reliability. I am not trying to exaggerate my unfortunate cases, but when it happened one, too many times, you’d just stop being hopeful. I just did.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
No love in new year?