I was getting two doses of bravery story this month. First I was made to watch my sister’s friend’s directorial effort for a theater called BERANI MATI
. It was a humble performance by five manly men who were showing us what it takes to fight the right combat and die for it…NOT! It was a good show, not to say it wasn’t great, I guess it wasn’t too much of my forte in show genre. The guys actually showed the coward side of us all without us knowing it ever present inside all of us. It does make us, or at least me, asking myself, what JIHAD act I did to fight for my fellow Muslims. Seriously. Does ‘tunjuk perasaan’ and boycotting everything (look again at the list of brands they wanted us to boycott, honestly we cannot eat, drink and use everything…) really helps them fight for their life? It is sad though to see how helpless our friends’ fights to stay alive and provide the best dreams for the little ones and promising tomorrow will be a better day. I wish I can do more, I wish I am BOLD enough to enroll as a reserved Army and be in that battle towards humanity in general and Jihad for Allah in particular. I guess I am not that brave to BERANI MATI huh? Well staged drama Faz…
Next showanship about courage and heroism is the movie call The Brave One on ASTRO, starring Jodie Foster and my man, Terence Howard!
It was a nerve wrecking drama that made me question my part in society. While it scared the hell out of me to be alone in this crazy world, it made me wonder how much longer I will just be another bystander along our unpredictable streets and corners? Is it ok to take matters with our own bare hand when, honestly, how many cases were seeing justice in this world? Not many I can say. There are lots of kinds of people; we can never know who to trust significantly. Now, this just made me even more skeptical of strangers. How do we make more friends with this cynicism in mind? How to lean on somebody when those so-called friends I so little have is not dependable twenty four seven? It’s hell of a ride out there, all those moments I went home very late from work, help somebody out in odd hours, I know I need to depends on the almighty Allah for savior when I often let down by fellow human reliability. I am not trying to exaggerate my unfortunate cases, but when it happened one, too many times, you’d just stop being hopeful. I just did.
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