Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm sooo tired...

How tiresome made you think of so many things at the same time...
"... my back is killing me ...this bladder problem is giving me the creep. Is it because of the heavy lifting ...?" (thank God, the massage really helps... thanks bibik)
"... God, how do we get to keep all these junks all these years?..." (still keeping it though)
"... (on last week episode of CSI), Nick is so not cute with moustache..."
"I wonder how many mails I have since the last time I accessing the Internet due to my leave of absence from work for a WEEK!..."(wondering if I still have friends who cared)
"... How do I get an extra income to cover back all this expenses of moving into this new home of ours..... plan plan plan... creative writing class by June, started writing seriously in September... got accepted by January, got a first royalties by March..." (a high hopes right here, yet not doing anything about it)
"What was I thinking buying a handphone not to my standard, at least not now..." (nevertheless, like my new gadget very much)
"...I just found out that Jon Bon Jovi married his Highschool sweetheart... and still is" (wish I had the same luck)
"I wish a lot of things...." and today...
Having a wealthy dad or husband surely is a blessing if my intention is to be like Oprah, Bon Jovi, Angelina Jolie. etc etc etc... you know, giving back to humanity. Not being able to let myself to think of others by donating monetary values for the moment as we were living scraping by, made me hated myself sometimes. Then again, those unfortunates will have a piece of my heart and mind in all my prayers... Insya Allah.
How tiresome made us remember how small we are and bring us closer to God... Thank heaven I am still sane... I'm just soooo tired.. I could barely bring myself to do my job... now.. at this moment...

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