Thursday, July 28, 2005


Should I decide to the extreme? The extreme idea that I loathe the opposite sex? I depended on them somehow, well, at least on certain things. Be it at work or other stuffs, something someone has to make me feel superior so I can carry my job well. And obsessive-compulsive maniacs are not helping. I hated one particular situation; I blame it on everything and everybody else. Why did I smile and got misunderstood? Why did I frown that scares people of, why did I swallow all hard when I should spit it out? As confiding is not an option, and sharing is just forbidden. For another ear could lead to another story told, and another burden released is another load gained.


Anonymous said...

Hi Diana
You are getting a little bit too emotional and hasty but i kind of share your worry here especially when the clock is ticking around us , but please do not ever try and shut your door yet. I am quite sure there are thousands of young men ready and queuing up for you in no time. Maybe you aren't looking at the right place, or maybe not the right time yet, sure jodoh is ditangan Allah kan? who knows some Datuk guy could be knocking at your door tomorrow. And, please remember that patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait. Believe me there isn't much fun either about rushing things... i am talking from personal experience. I wish i could be as free as you are, maybe we could swap life.. but only maybe..
Take care sayang....

Anonymous said...

adik, like i said, let it be the average joe. stop rationalizing for a while. give a smile to the average joe. dig deep into each of them and follow ur heart. by the way... how do you define an average joe anyway? by the look? or the way he talks? ..the way he reacts? ..the way he thinks?

frown vs smile, i rather see you smile. it's almost impossible to feel extremely negatively emotionalize when you are able to give an honest smile. tak bohong, kalau tak cayer, try ler experiment. doesn't matter ler if an average joe would get perasan pun... if they do, smile to them and say in your heart... "such a pathetic average joe, kesian dia"... some more, it's possible to smile while you're mad at someone... but it's a bless that smile and anger do not coexist. so the moment you smile, the anger is gone! you'll look prettier! ;D