Wow, it has been a long time for me since the days I am looking at the computer screen 8 hours straight. Did I miss it? Not really, but it is not fair for me to just treat it as another casualty, it is after all the thing I do to earn for living, the place I have committed myself slaving into the corporate world.
Been striving hard for the ever overrated MCSE exam, well, can't say I am like studying dilligently considering the location of the studying takes place. Actually, I couldn't really decide where is the place I could put all my concentration fully, the office was just... well; work and people, really is distracting, and @ home? there are a whole lot more distractions and temptations that I couldn't resist there. So, where is the best place to put all your heart and mind to something important? I guess it will left unanswered unless I find my own strength to treat everything else as another white noise and finally put my brain and mind for good use and actually pay attention. So I paid the due, two failed papers, and four more to go, it's a dread, but, gotta do it, before there's question arise on why haven't the exam vouchers been used. Kinda sad though that I did not put myself together, because the whole point of the MCSE thingy is to prove that I can do this... now, I am just another career women who tried to hard to be @ the same level as those men that just need and is "the expert". Bad for me to say this, then again it's the truth I have to swallow together with my old hard-ass pride crap. Urgh... Life is cruel (well, at least at some parts of it).
Spent the rest of the holidays with the precious family (what else is there?). Picked up Siti after back from Brunei, shopping our cash out in KL the next day. I'd say it's quite a way to fill the time other than worrying about the exam. Definitely worthy of the time which I have no controlled of what happened next, hopefully I manage to see both of my sisters' wedding before I die, amiinn.
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