How time flies, and how I almost ignoring this link. People say we only blog when we sad but I beg to differ. This blog may be abandoned but it was never forgotten, it's just my way of limiting my blabs on my personal life to the world. Once in a while it's good to share and perhaps if there's envy; I never intended to, if there's a lessons learned, hope it will become a guidance and if it's an empathy, hope you remember me with all the good deeds. Insya Allah...
It's my second birthday celebrated with husband, he managed to pamper me with flowers and good time again.

Felt Bad when he had to go the distance to make me happy, but at least he tried and I am thankful for all the ups and downs on one year living together and a period of getting to know each other spent very well without a baby just yet. I guess God really does work in a mysterious way. Despite the worrisome of my age and not pregnant yet, things must happened for reasons. Hikmah they say. And I am not giving up on that just yet.
I dreamed reading Quran last night... and it may means --> Alamat anda akan beroleh kebesaran dan barokah atau kesihatan anda dimurahi. Insya Allah...
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