It's the first entry for 2012, weirdly enough, negatively (although not so weird for an introvert like me) I started it with one may deemed it as the root of all evil and others may see it as a source for all happiness.
While we strive so hard in this world to buy everything we missed out during our childhood, purchased what we see as necessities when it doesn't and basically get whatever we want in life, little we know we missed out the very important lesson our parents thought us. That lesson is, "Living is temporary, things aren't permanent, but education and prayers go a Long way, a very long way"
Although Ego made us ignore whatever mama tells us, deep down in our throat, in our heart, we long to blurt out that it is so true. So, when do we listened and eventually do something about it? I hope despite all disappointments in life involving money and materials, perhaps one day, I can just woken up and smile, and tell myself, it is another good day to be alive, so live as it is, for all good deeds being paid and for all mistakes we learned and redeem our self. all without checking in our purse or bank statements every once in a while.
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