Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hold up hold up...

Is it just me or is this blog has become a place to show off now? This is so not intended... Pardon me... I am just being so happy and determined to be different.. and some kinda loving feeling could be one of the factor... Could be... could be... or I might just be lost in my own territory... It's a good territory though... Some people may just won't allow to see me at ease.. darn those people...
Take a deep breath...
Be at peace, be at peace...

1 comment:

Ottawa Dude said...

show off ? Or "vent" ,probably venting , which is what it is with me.

No one in my daily life wants to hear my opinions on anything, I've noticed. Thats what blogs are for.

Just don't demean your work place, if your boss reads the blog he may fire you. Oh , and don't demean your home if you rent it , there was a case where the land lord booted out the tenant when she started complaining on her blog about the places upkeep , etc.