Sunday, July 09, 2006

Rock Star Mania strike again!

My obsession begins again. This time for a newly created band initiated by Tommy Lee of motley Crue, and together with James Newstead of Metallica and Gilbert Clark of Guns n Roses, they are looking for a frontman. Okay okay, I am not trying to make an extended promotion of that show in any way. That! Is to show my excitement again for the show despite I wasn’t really looking forward it prior its debut live!

The Rock Star:Supernova!

My choice for the preliminary round:
Mr J.Logan... he is so delicious for a rock star, and the soul within? o Brother! I like! a definite heartbreaker!

Too bad Matt has to be voted off first... but as what showed off to us audience, he didn’t bring the song Yellow justice anyway... it was just okay. Then again, who can sing like Chris Martin sings? Well, maybe one can... I just haven’t seen a duplicate just yet. Speaking of Coldplay... Guess what? I'll be seeing them LIVE in Singapore July 10th, Monday night, can't wait!!!

After that? I am soo looking forward to watch this season of Rock Star, I may not vote but, I definitely will enjoy the sight seeing and eventually day dreaming when one of those rock star can actually be mine...

Heheh... dream on, dream on... like A Rock Star will actually lay eyes on me?

A girl can definitely hope!

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