Watched the Premiere courtesy of CIMB. Thanks to my credit purchase behaviour (bad), I got 4 tickets and treated 3 happy friends (good). I enjoyed it (better).
in the spirit world of Kuekuatsheu a.k.a. Wolverine and the lonely moon; I can relate...
Yes I had the indulgence of back to back doses of chic flicks although not entirely chick flicks as were stressed by the cast, but definitely something for boys and girls to think about, throughout last weekend. Friday night with He's Just Not That into You and Saturday afternoon with Confessions of a Shopaholic. The result; one OST baught and a profound look on things that were often pun in denial state of mind. How refeshing some movies can bring eh? at least usually for me. But then again, can we relate it in our environment? when deep analysis will only bring more heartbreak take on every single actions men or women do. Can we actually face the reality that were so tangible in our face and yet we chose to see it transparently? Sad... and pathetic at the same time. So, as I expected months earlier, this movies will only made me a bit depressed afterwards. But, life goes on... moving on to whatever next things came into life. Meanwhile, check out this site.. My friend's Branded Outlet Store to drool about.. grrr That; we can definitely realate to Rebecca Bloomwood kan? Proven with my recent credit purchase totalling Rm 400 on clothes and one particular scarf, not the GREEN one, but the one I have been looking for so long... crazy!