I did have something to blog prior to this entry. Something about seeing fairytale Beauty and the beast in the Musical and later watching the reality show; the apprentice all in the same week. It was like a jolted from a dream back to reality in a time machine. 
Anyway, the thing I am about to enlighten is so much more worth telling, it is so marvelous I even relive the same experience in my sleep with me as the main character…
It began with the gruesome hour of standing in line for free tickets redemption to the most awaited show of the year. Never mind the pain later inflicted while heading to the train that gave me an ugly big bruise in the thigh, SEX AND THE CITY is definitely became my flick of the year, heck, and my life… O yeah, spent time watching it with my girlfriends made it even more awesome!
Set aside the O so fabulous “labels for rent” and the real labels flaunted around the beautiful NYC, I was drawn and still am moved with whatever Carrie Bradshaw and the gang brought on screen and eventually to my head. Among others that also got me thinking is:
1. While Cliché is overrated, I think it is always what a girl need. I won’t mind a dozen roses every now and then, a constant reminder of love assurance in writing won’t hurt and an old-fashioned on bended knee proposal will always, always be a perfect deal starter.
2. Those avant-garde and runway fashion dresses and such that did not make any sense, will always found me bring it if I had a chance to get my hand in it, well IF I ever in the RIGHT town.
3. And finally, yes, LOVE does exist and falling into it once in a while and eventually into the one that sticks will be super amazing! Now I become more anxious to one day to have that moment with a significant other and me.

Anyway, the thing I am about to enlighten is so much more worth telling, it is so marvelous I even relive the same experience in my sleep with me as the main character…
It began with the gruesome hour of standing in line for free tickets redemption to the most awaited show of the year. Never mind the pain later inflicted while heading to the train that gave me an ugly big bruise in the thigh, SEX AND THE CITY is definitely became my flick of the year, heck, and my life… O yeah, spent time watching it with my girlfriends made it even more awesome!
Set aside the O so fabulous “labels for rent” and the real labels flaunted around the beautiful NYC, I was drawn and still am moved with whatever Carrie Bradshaw and the gang brought on screen and eventually to my head. Among others that also got me thinking is:
1. While Cliché is overrated, I think it is always what a girl need. I won’t mind a dozen roses every now and then, a constant reminder of love assurance in writing won’t hurt and an old-fashioned on bended knee proposal will always, always be a perfect deal starter.
2. Those avant-garde and runway fashion dresses and such that did not make any sense, will always found me bring it if I had a chance to get my hand in it, well IF I ever in the RIGHT town.
3. And finally, yes, LOVE does exist and falling into it once in a while and eventually into the one that sticks will be super amazing! Now I become more anxious to one day to have that moment with a significant other and me.

Last but not least, perhaps a love letter to sum up the feelings I have for SATC…
Dear Me,
This may be weird that I would write (or type) a love letter or
some sort to myself but doesn’t it always have to be about me? (Samantha) and to
persistently believe that there will be the ONE for me out there (Charlotte); To
finally have that one as my very own family, the one I could go home to after
working hours (Miranda); all that and with the support of a fabulous friendship
that lasts a lifetime (CARRIE), with the happy ending in the end. All the above
will be the greatest gifts a girl can have.
Yours truly,
Yours truly.