What do i remember most of my childhood? I was told that i was born in Singapore and due to restricted rules back then, hence the birth certificate indicated Johor. Not that i am complaining, but i think it will be cool to be known that i was born oversea. I don't know but something about me wanting so much to be associated with another country than Malaysia, ridiculous? I'd say it's just a feeling.
I was a brainiac kid, learned to read and write at the very young age despite of my parents low level of knowledge. The upbringing made me very fond or learning, best student in class every year, up to standard six that is. Then, things changed... lets saved that story for later. I was seen to be spending most afternoon playing games with boys. Don't know either i was mingled better with boys than girls or it is because i was happened to be there. I do know i didn't make many friends in my younger years, moving from one place to another didn't let me do just that.
Things changes dramtically that made me think of life seriously, unspoken that is, which made me less of anything that can be called hero or saviour of the day. Yet, I am determined to make at least good changes before i die, something that i can be proud of, that can make me die smiling.
- to be continued -