Monday, December 14, 2009

Snap III

Just like any other afternoon, watching TV with my mother, the show on tele "Jangan Lupa Lirik!". And while I am in the game like the contestant, singing along to the song to figure out the lyrics, mom said " Suara adik lagi sedap dari suara kau la Na..."... waahhh! kecik hati weih.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I hate...

I'm not really jealous, don't like lookin' like a clown.
I think of you ev'ry night and day.
You took my heart, then you took my pride away.
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
that's why I hate myself for loving you...

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Love Story ~ Bila hanya Hati Bersuara

What is another cliché in the Lovey-Dovey lane? When there is more silence than conversation made while together, one will be deemed boring; be it either party can be blamed. But what if, silence is all we need to hear heart said out “I love you” very loud indeed inside? I’d say I can’t complaint. My heart never beats this fast that wasn’t accompanied by a short breath when your stamina failed on you. But it beats with good sound of rhythm that only me and perhaps only us listens.

Check point: While there is complication, I am still happy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Love Story ~ Crazy Act # 2

Like any other day, being away and all, calls are the closest any lovebird can feel the other without having trying too hard. And JUST like any other day since these cloudy nine feeling beneath my feet floating me around, I received his call on the way back home.

:“dah naik train? Ni dah kat mana?”
:“KL sentral, kamu di mana nih?”
:“kat jalan sg besi, Jam.. kenapa eh?”
: “entah… “ and etc etc etc

Call ended, and I am back sleeping, enjoying the ride. Another call came in…

:“still jam la, boring.. dah kat mana ni?”
:“baru.. err… mana ni?... kajang.”
:“pukul berapa sampai?”
:“err.. setengah jam lagi kot”
:“ok… hati2….”

With that I am back to napping again… until finally reached the destination. Validate the ticket, walk towards my car as usual without bothering of what’s happening around, I didn’t even notice a commotion at the far end of the parking lot until someone pointing it out later. Unlock the door, get into the car, started my engine, and, as I about to shut the door, there’s a knock on my window… and there he was… the sweet face that keep bugging my mind night and day. He was there all the while he called earlier. He waited for me for an hour. And I didn’t even notice his car? Isk… After few minutes “what are you doing? What?” and speechless for a second, then only he suggested to go for a drink, and so we went off for a drink before I finally back home.

Once again my friend, this might also happened to you too many times, this is another FIRST for me. I appreciated the gesture far off until me totally overrating it. Some people told me that what he had done is scary, I’d say; I love him more for that…. And again I never stopped smiling…Crazy I know. But I love it! I love him (wow, did I just say Love 3 times?)

Love Story ~ Crazy Act # 1

There’s an old saying of “orang, kalau dah bercinta, nampak bumbung rumah pun cukup”. As cliché as it sounds these sayings have become something to laugh about whenever to tease those in love. And then there’s another when, you know if the guy call and said “cuba tengok kat balkoni” and these days girls usually not totally believing guys would actually do that (that they were actually out there wanted to see you as a result of missing you so much). These days being the post 21st century where supposedly fairytale and fantasy should be left as it is.

And on one fine night, DJ happened to decide to go to bed earlier, the guy call as usual and weird of the idea me sleeping early. Since he’s still driving outside, she decided to wait a little bit longer before she finally closes her eyes. While tidying up a bit stretches up the bed sheet, the call came in. “… cuba kamu tengok kat Balkoni…” She just laugh while thinking “yeah right?”, and yet still walk towards the window, looking outside and to her surprise, there it was; a familiar car parked in front of the house. He really is outside, at 12 midnight. So, the driving earlier was towards here? She went out to the balcony, and the talk on the phone continued for the next fifteen minutes and as speechless as anyone can be, she managed to just laugh through the whole conversation digesting the event that just happened.

This particular event may have happened to you too many times; but this is definitely the FIRST for me. If there is a serenade followed after would be a more dramatic episode to remember eh? ;-)Tell me honestly how would you feel if you were in my place? And as for me, the smiling never stopped until the next day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Love Story ~ D-day 2009

Between Cake, flowers and Sunset... D-Day never been this perfect... Thanks Darling....

p/s: Thanks for all the other gifts and thoughts from beloved friends...appreciate it much.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Love Story ~ Monologue

How do you convinced one is The One? When you constantly thinking about him and it distract your concentration? When you realized you cannot live for 12 hours not hearing his voice or receive his text or read his email? When one has to rebel to prove it’s the absolute choice?

So they say Love drives you crazy, it really does and I’d never thought I will have the chance to live the moment again. Although they are still uncertainty as any love story always have been, a dramatic experience of professing one’s true emotions is something I think any play worth being staged for. And I am planning to shout all the right scripts to the other ends, while at it, I may annoys the spectators or I might just as well gets a standing ovation. One thing for sure, I think I am on a right track of the trailer…

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Hopeless Romantic after all..

Mom said Love is blind. Others said seek and you shall find. For years we search, endure and broken, funny how it only took a week to found the one. And one might add “so you’d say”, but is it really true? Love that you seek was just few meters away all along? How poetic little words sounded so comforting that you take every word of it and seal it closely to heart? Is this how finally Diana Jones is tamed? With such beautifully craved lyrical speech fed into her heart and mind so spontaneous, it seems so genuine and truthfully from the heart. So, she is loved, she is actually contented, for she played it along in a beautiful little world she longed and finally lives on. The feeling was great and she never been happier. Despite; she does hope she is not hurting other important human beings while she felt for the significant other of the heart matter.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Reminiscing Moko – October 2008

"Adegan kayak gini paling sering ada di
film-film, seorang cowok ngasih jaketnya ke sang cewek untuk dipakai. Lambang
pelindung, superrioritas, dan ke-essential-an laki-laki yang lebih tegar dari
wanita, sekaligus lambang kelmebutan wanita yang akan selalu memancarkan
aura-aura dengan keindahan tak terhingga yang harus laki-laki jaga dan lindungi.
Setiap nonton adegan seperti ini, dulu gue sering banget mencoba meraba-raba
mengartikannya. Tapi sekarang gue ngerasain sendiri... rasanya lain

That I borrowed from the words of Indy written by Donny Dhirgantoro in his book 5cm. Kangen si jadinya... ah, what a memory.

p/s: Loh, koq puasa-puasa mikirin ini?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Perempuan Berkalung Sorban... itu Aku

Lek Khudori quoting to strong Muslimah:

“Aku tidak butuh laki-laki untuk tempat bergantung, tapi aku butuh laki-laki
untuk aku cintai” kata Ontosoroh

Anissa concluded:

"Kalian semua adalah calon muslimah, calon istri untuk suami kalian tercinta,
dan calon ibu untuk anak-anak yang kalian sayangi. Surga menurut janji Alloh,
ada di bawah telapak kaki kita, perempuan. Tapi jangan lupa satu hal bahwa Alloh juga memberikan manusia kebebasan. Mau jadi apapun kalian nanti, pilihlah jalan
Alloh dengan rasa bebas dan dengan hati yang ikhlas. Dengan begitu insya’Alloh
kita akan hidup dengan tenang dan tanpa rasa benci.”

While Me:
Di saat tangisan sebagai hamba yang lemah didengari Allah, aku semakin sayangkan Ramadhan, aku mau banyakkan amal... supaya nanti aku tetap berjumpa sama Lek Khudori aku, walau untuk sementara, walau aku harus tunggu hingga akhir usia. Aku tau Allah akan sentiasa menemani aku di saat aku lupa dan terlalu occupied dengan masalah dunia. Aku tidak akan mengalah dengan tarikan amarah... Insya Allah...

Ketika Cinta - CT (dengar)